<%= @name %> <%if @type == 'm' :%> ( <%for p, index in @params:%> <%=p.name%><%=if index < @params.length-1 then "," %> <%end%> ) <%end%> <%= @label %>

Description: <%- @desc %>

<% if @defaultValue :%>

Default: <%= @defaultValue %>

<% else if @params : %> <% if @params.length > 0 :%>


<%for p in @params:%>

@<%=p.name%> {<%=p.type%>} <%-p.desc%>

<% else :%>

Parameters: none

<% end %> <%end%> <% if @return :%>



<% if typeof @script == 'string' :%> <%- @script %> <% else :%> <%for line in @script:%><%-line+'\n'%> <%end%> <% end %>
<% if @exec != false :%>
<% if @toggle :%>
<% end %> <% if @list :%> <% end %> Run
<% end %>

<%if (@isDialog && @type == 'p') || @remark :%>


<% end %> <% if @remark :%>


<% end %> <%if @isDialog && @type == 'p' :%>

You can use the .setting() method to set multiple values at once, Also works as a getter. Or use .get() and .set() aliases.

//get the closable setting value.
var closable = alertify.alert().setting('closable');
//grab the dialog instance using its parameter-less constructor then set multiple settings at once.
    'message': 'This dialog is : ' + (closable ? ' ' : ' not ') + 'closable.' ,
    'onok': function(){ alertify.success('Great');}